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Podcast Blog: From Hopelessness to Hope, with Mark Trieglaff


This episode of the Practical Faith Academy podcast is a deep, emotional one. Podcast guest Mark Trieglaff experienced the lowest of lows, the hopelessness that preceded a suicide attempt. But fighting through the hopelessness to find Christ soon after, Mark was better prepared later in life for three tragedies in a row that would shake the nerves of anyone. Mark shares his testimonial on this Practical Faith Academy podcast.

Since the discussion is a guided testimonial, this podcast follows a different format as Mark and I walk through his life, showing his travails before becoming a Christian, and how faith has helped him deal with unthinkable tragedy and now serve others, especially those with disabilities.

Highlights of the podcast:

3:15    When Mark discovered his family wasn’t what he thought it was

5:06     How he sought stress relief during his parents’ divorce

6:58     How Mark reached a point of hopelessness that led to a suicidal event

10:13   A co-worker at a zoo led Mark to Christ

13:27   Even after salvation, Mark was lost on how to proceed as a Christian but finally developed his faith

17:21   Mark experienced a quick succession of three family tragedies but leaned on hope instead of hopelessness

22:27   Mark spoke of hope at his daughter’s funeral

24:57   The third tragedy: losing his wife

26:47   How Mark’s wife Joy became an organ donor

29:46   Scripture that has sustained Mark in tragic times: John 16:33, Romans 8:28, Revelation 21:4-5

32:34   Mark’s reaction to being approached about turning his story into a book and a movie

35:07   Mark’s profession in disability enablement and how he puts his faith into practice

The Practical Faith Academy Podcast can be found on all major podcasting platforms. You can also access it through the Free Content page on the Cecil Taylor Ministries website at


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