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Podcast Blog: Overcoming Fear, with Patti Smith


Fear can hold us back at Christians. We can live fearfully instead of living in freedom. We might shy away from what God is calling us to do. Fear creates a miserable life, and God didn't make us to live miserably.

Patti Smith, publisher of GO! Magazine, joins the podcast to talk about dealing with fear in our practical faith walks. This topic is one that Smith struggles with herself, but through faith and courage, she has been able to overcome fear to respond to God’s calls throughout her life. The genesis of GO! Magazine, a Christian magazine based in Florida, is a prime example.

Highlights of the podcast:

3:16    What a seven-day practical faith means to Patti

5:01    How Patti overcame fear when launching GO! Magazine

9:47    How overcoming fear affects Jesus followers daily

15:13  Why does God want us to “fear not?”

17:51  Inspiring stories from GO! Magazine

20:36  The hardest part of putting faith into practice

22:24  Patti is still working on mastering fear herself

23:38  Patti’s best tip for living a seven-day practical faith

25:44  More on GO! Magazine and how to participate in it

The Practical Faith Academy Podcast can be found on all major podcasting platforms. You can also access it through the Free Content page on the Cecil Taylor Ministries website.

You can learn more about Patti’s GO! Magazine at


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