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Seven-Day Practical Faith Blog: A Simple Approach


I was dating a girl whose mother was a teacher of gifted and talented students. After getting to know me, the teacher sniffed, "You're not gifted and talented. You're just a high achiever."

Does it show? Apparently.

One of the challenges for us high achievers is the constant need to achieve. I have to guard how that desire seeps into both my seven-day practical faith and my ministry. I sometimes overbook and over-volunteer. I encourage others to do, do, do.

But in reality, sometimes we must wait, wait, wait. Or rest, rest, rest. Or be, be, be, specifically, be a child of God.

God doesn't love me any more when I'm high achieving. Perhaps God pities me instead, knowing that being a child of God is sufficient. I mean, I'm sure the Lord appreciates the effort, but still - sometimes I should be still.

A simple approach we can take in our seven-day practical faith walk is to be God's children and to reflect God's glory. To take time to notice and appreciate and pray. To absorb the goodness and mystery of life while awaiting the future goodness and mystery of a life in God's constant presence.

I find myself little by little allocating space for contemplation and meditation, sitting quietly alongside the Holy Spirit. Those moments don't show up on my high achiever to-do list, thank God, but they're so important in living a seven-day practical faith.

Speaking of practical faith, I am now ten episodes into the revamped Practical Faith Academy podcast. I'm pleased with the variety of guests who supply us with their insight and life experiences. Dig into the podcast by searching on your favorite podcast platform or by visiting


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