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Seven-Day Practical Faith Blog: Overcome Your Own Objections

Eighteenth-century English author Samuel Johnson wrote, “Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome.”

Isn't it so? This wisdom applies to our seven-day practical faith journey as well.

We have to get out of our comfort zones and into Jesus' trust zone if we're going to accomplish anything. Jesus ran into plenty of people who were willing to follow him, but only if their conditions were met.

People like the rich young ruler who wasn't sure of sacrificing his wealth and the man who wanted to bury his father first. The one that strikes me most is the man in Luke 9:61-62 (NIV):

Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.” Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

I analyzed this passage in my book, From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone, in this way:

Imagine if the man went to say goodbye to his loved ones; they might talk him out of following Jesus. Christ desires our full commitment, with no regrets, no looking back.

It's almost as if this man was looking for objections. Do we look for objections when Christ calls us?

  • I'm too busy.

  • I'm not good at that.

  • I would do that, if only this aspect would change to make me feel more comfortable.

  • That feels too risky.

  • Maybe someone else will do it.

Look, we can't say yes to everything, and we need to analyze how best to spend our time. Still, there are moments that Jesus is calling us out of our comfort zone into his trust zone, where we can serve him mightily and grow our faith through risk and uncertainty. And we know he's calling. And we stay in our comfort zone and refuse.

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. Sometimes the right answer is, "Yes, Lord, and I'll figure it out with your help."

Take a leap of faith into leaving your comfort zone for Jesus's trust zone. My book, "From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone," will help. One Amazon reviewer wrote, “It's not your typical ‘easy faith’ read. If you're ready to shake things up a bit and grow your faith, this book is worth checking out.” The book is available on major online bookseller sites and at

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