John 14: 1
My friend Bill was sharing his memories about a Superman show he remembered from his childhood, when Superman saved Lois Lane from fiery death in a volcano (the accompanying picture is captured from the film that I believe Bill was remembering). As Superman was flying her to safety, she was trembling with fear. When Superman asked her why, Lois replied, "I'm afraid you will drop me."
Per Bill, Superman's response was, "I saved you. Why would I drop you now?"
Jesus is our spiritual Superman, and he promises not to drop us, either. With his saving power, he has rescued us from a fiery spiritual death. He takes us to safety in His arms. He sets our feet on solid ground.
In John 14: 1, Jesus told His disciples at the Last Supper:
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
Jesus calls us to enter what I call "the trust zone," where we are unafraid to follow Him and go where He leads, taking risks for His kingdom, assured of His presence, enablement, and saving grace.
I compare it to one of those tall towers I enjoy ascending (an international hobby of mine). Some of them have now installed a glass floor where you can stand and see the land immediately below your shoes, hundreds of feet down. It's disconcerting; all of your senses warn you that you are in danger of falling, yet you're actually standing on a solid, secure platform.
I think this is what it's like when we obey Jesus' urging to take risks for His kingdom. We're actually led to solid ground, perhaps the most solid ground we've ever stood upon, but it doesn't look like it. It feels uncomfortable and even hazardous. We worry that we may fall at any moment. But our Superman promises, "I won't drop you."
Such trust is on my mind as I write a book and video series called, "From Comfort Zone to Trust Zone: How Jesus Urges Us to Take Leaps of Faith for His Kingdom," targeted to release late this year. When did Jesus lead you into His trust zone? Please share in the comments below.