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Wednesday Devotional: Manifesting Gratitude

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

It's November, the month that calls our attention to giving thanks. A friend recently posted pictures of their property and wrote these wise words: “I remember when I wanted what I currently have. Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.”

We are always seeking more. What we have is never enough. I love this reminder that we should look around and be grateful for what we do have.

Paul emphasizes giving thanks when we pray, especially when we are troubled about something. We give thanks to God for listening, for possibly doing, but more than anything, for removing our load if we will hand it over.

Beth Moore wrote an interesting version of Paul's classic Philippians verse using opposite words. I feel like the result captures the way we actually behave:

Do not be calm about anything, but in everything, by dwelling on it constantly and feeling picked on by God, with thoughts like, "And this is the thanks I get," present your aggravations to everyone you know but Him. And the acid in your stomach, which transcends all milk products, will cause you an ulcer, and the doctor bills will cause you a heart attack, and you will lose your mind.

Let's choose gratitude instead. Let's start with taking stock of what we have already experienced or enjoyed or possessed, and giving thanks for all of it, like my friend. Such perspective prepares us to come to God with thanksgiving, no matter our circumstance.

Please scroll through the Cecil Taylor Ministries Facebook page and find my November 1 post of ministry updates. I hope you'll read through it and engage with Cecil Taylor Ministries to assist you and those around you in your seven-day practical faith walk.

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